Very simply, burn off or reduce your calories by
about 3500 calories, and you lose one pound of fat!
For example, let's say you drink two sodas or two glasses of wine (approximately 250 calories)! If you reduce or eliminate these items, you will lose a pound of fat in two weeks! Add a moderate workout everyday, and you lose one pound in one week!
Of course, there are a few other tips that will help you lose weight a little more easily! One important tip will keep the metabolism burning! Eat small, frequent meals, about every three hours. Didn't you ever notice that your skinny friend is constantly eating? Genetics may play a part in this person's body type, but this person is keeping the metabolism burning. Think about a fireplace. If you put logs on, light the fire, then forget about stoking the fire, the fire will eventually smolder and not burn completely. Stoke the fire, add logs, the flames kick up and everything burns completely!
If you don't stoke your metabolism by eating small frequent meals (every three hours), then the fire in your belly goes out!
Everyone always says, "I'm going to cut my carbs to lose weight". Don't cut out all your carbs, cut your calories! Your primary energy source is carbohydrates, especially if you exercise! Be sure to eat healthy carbohydrates, such as fruits, whole grains
A better way to lose weight faster is to cut fat out of your food intake. One gram of fat has nine calories, when one gram of protein or carbohydrates have four calories!
Most of us eat way too much dietary fat, especially if you eat out frequently! There is a reason why food tastes so good when you go out to eat. Restaurants add oils and fats to make foods taste better!
Ask your server to put dressing on the side to save calories! Also, tell them to steam your vegetables without butter! Yes, many restaurants put butter on steamed vegetables! Kind of defeats the purpose of being healthy, doesn't it?
By going out to eat less frequently, you can lose weight even faster!
Another important tip to help you lose weight is to gain some muscle! Your body burns more calories at rest, and sleep, just to maintain that added muscle mass. For females that may be concerned about gaining too much muscle, remember muscle takes up less space than fat! And that toned look that you so desire is, guess what? Muscle Mass!
So, contact me now, to help you achieve that ultimate fat-burning body!
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